Official Trailer
Since the days of old, if a man was accused of a crime he would be tried by the King. During this trial, evidence and witnesses were presented, the accused was asked a number of questions and then the king declared the man innocent or guilty. But sometimes it is not clear, even to a king, if a man is guilty or innocent. If that is the case then the king declared a special trial – a trial in front of the gods, or more specifically the Three Fates, because only they know whether he is guilty or not. Perhaps, more importantly, the Fates know the nature of his heart and thus they know if he is a foul criminal or an innocent soul. This system has been aptly named ‘the lady and the tiger.’
Two doors are presented to the accused and he is free to choose which one he opens. Behind one door waits a beautiful woman waiting to be his wife. Behind the other is a ferocious tiger who will devour him instantly. The Fates know the nature of his heart and direct his choice.
Based on the story by Frank Stockton.
Cast & Crew
Tina Wu / Producer
Da Xiang / Director
Hank Zeng / Assistant Director
Max Wang / Director of Photography